Monday, December 31, 2012

And the adventure begins

So here I am.
Addicted to glamour.
Addicted to cats.
(Hence my blog title: The Glam Cat)
Addicted to decorating.
Addicted to all that's fashion, design and style. 
Addicted to upcycle and freecycle.
Addicted to DIY.
Addicted to all that's homemade with love.

So here is my attempt to put out there, in the virtual web, my ideas and small projects, my successes and my failures. 

I hope someone will find these pages inspirational and useful. 

Welcome to all, and to all a good read! 


  1. Yes I finally broke down. A friend suggested it over a year ago, cause she always wants to know how I cooked this, how I made that.
    I thought about it for a while and now I am finally here. I figure, since we have a free account with gmail, why not use it? That way I can share on here and not having to type the same recipe to 10 people. Lazy me! :)

  2. Grazie Cristina, sei sempre cosi' cara! :)
